Now with the wine
drive away the worries,

tomorrow we will sail again
the great sea

Horace - Ode I, VI, vv.31-32

for the Protection of Roma d.o.c. wines

The Consortium carries out functions of protection, promotion, enhancement, consumer information, and general care of the interests related to Roma D.o.c. wines.

The denomination was established in 2011 thanks to the creation of the Association of Roma DOC Wine Producers, founded by about ten companies covering approximately 175 hectares of vineyards in the Lazio area around Rome. The goal was to bring the millennial tradition of wine in and from Rome into the present. A tradition continued through the centuries, which today is rooted in a varied and suitable territory, in a selection of typical grape varieties, and in both historic companies and young producers.

Since then, many other producers have joined the project, and the Association has grown into a significant entity that required a more structured organization. This need was realized with the establishment of the Consortium for the Protection of Roma DOC wine, implemented with the publication of the ministerial decree in the Official Gazette on issue number 38 of February 15, 2018.

The Territory
and the volcanic soil

The production area of Roma DOC is located in the central part of Lazio and includes the coastal territories, Roman Sabina, the Alban Hills, the Prenestini Hills, and part of the Roman countryside, in the province of Rome.

A territory rich in nuances, ranging from flatter areas to more hilly ones, with altitudes between 0 and 600 meters above sea level. A mild climate, with warmer areas as you approach the sea and cooler temperatures moving inland.

What unites the various areas is the volcanic origin of the soil.
A territory thus well-suited and capable of giving wines unique characteristics.

the wineries

Millennial caves, green landscapes, and the history and culture of wine await you.

Stabilità e Sostenibilità

Il triangolo è una figura geometrica che rappresenta stabilità e forza, poiché è una delle forme più solide in natura.

Tradizione, Innovazione e Qualità:
I tre lati del triangolo possono rappresentare tre valori fondamentali del consorzio, come tradizione, innovazione e qualità.

Collaborazione e Unità:
Il triangolo può anche rappresentare la collaborazione e l’unità tra i membri del consorzio.

Ogni vertice può rappresentare un singolo viticoltore o una specifica area di produzione, uniti in un unico consorzio che lavora verso obiettivi comuni.

Territorio, Vite e Vino:
Il triangolo potrebbe simboleggiare i tre elementi chiave del consorzio: il territorio (la terra su cui crescono le viti), le viti stesse (la pianta che produce l’uva) e il vino (il prodotto finale).  Questo sottolinea la connessione e l’importanza di ciascun elemento nella produzione di vino di qualità.

Aspetto Visivo e Design:
Dal punto di vista del design grafico, il triangolo è una forma semplice ma potente, facilmente riconoscibile e versatile.

Growth Symbol:
The triangle, with its pointed tip, can be seen as a symbol of growth and progress, reflecting the consortium's commitment to continuous improvement and achieving new milestones in the wine industry.